The GNOME Project is proud to announce the release of GNOME 3.16.

This is another exciting release for GNOME, and brings many new features
and improvements, including redesigned notifications, a new shell
theme, new scrollbars, and a refresh for the file manager. 3.16 also
includes improvements to the Image Viewer, Music, Photos and Videos.
We are also including three new preview apps for the first time: Books,
Calendar and Characters.

The login screen is now using Wayland by default.

For more information about the changes in GNOME 3.16, you can visit
the release notes:

GNOME 3.16 will be available shortly in many distributions. Live images
of GNOME 3.16 are available too.

These images are based on openSUSE.

To try the very latest developments in GNOME, you can also use the
VM disk images that are produced by the gnome-continuous build system.

This six months' effort wouldn't have been possible without the whole
GNOME community, made of contributors and friends from all around the
world: developers, designers, documentation writers, usability and
accessibility specialists, translators, maintainers, students, system
administrators, companies, artists, testers and last, not least, users.
GNOME would not exist without all of you.

Thank you to everyone!

Our next release, GNOME 3.18, is expected for September 2015.

Until then, enjoy GNOME 3.16!

The GNOME Release Team
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