Hello all,

We would like to inform you about the following:
* GNOME 3.38.0 newstable tarballs due
* Hard Code Freeze ends

Tarballs are due on 2020-09-12 before 23:59 UTC for the GNOME 3.38.0
newstable release, which will be delivered next week. All modules that
had an unstable release during the current release cycle must release
to ensure a stable version number, even if there have been no changes
since the previous release.  Please make sure that your tarballs will
be uploaded before Saturday 23:59 UTC. Tarballs uploaded later than
that will probably be too late. If you need help, please contact the
release team and we'll find someone to handle the release for you.

Hard Code Freeze ends, but other freezes remain in effect for the
stable branch.

For more information about 3.37, the full schedule, the official
module lists and the proposed module lists, please see our colorful 3.37

For a quick overview of the GNOME schedule, please see:

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