Wiki - Discussion Thread -
This is a proposed Change for Fedora Linux. This document represents a proposed Change. As part of the Changes process, proposals are publicly announced in order to receive community feedback. This proposal will only be implemented if approved by the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee. == Summary == Update the numpy package from 1.x to 2.x (1.26.4 to 2.1.3 currently). == Owner == * Name: [[User:Limb| Gwyn Ciesla]] * Email: == Detailed Description == Updating numpy from the 1.x to 2.x series will Just Work for some packages. Those using the C API will need to be rebuilt. Additionally, many packages are pinned to numpy < 2, and these will need to be loosened. == Feedback == I've experimented with this in copr, as well as tracked updates to a few packages in preparation for this. One example is scipy, which was recently updated to a version supporting numpy2, and this will reduce the number of impacted packages. == Benefit to Fedora == In addition to tracking upstream and receiving more up-to-date fixes and security updates, numpy2 brings many improvements to the library: == Scope == * Proposal owners: Update numpy2 package to 2.1.x in f43 immediately after f42 mass branching. Help rebuild and patch impacted packages as needed. * Other developers: Rebuild and patch impacted packages. Most will only require a pin adjustment and/or rebuild. * Release engineering: [ #Releng issue number] * Policies and guidelines: N/A (not needed for this Change) * Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change) * Alignment with the Fedora Strategy: == Upgrade/compatibility impact == Successfully rebuilt packages should not have any compatibility issues. == Early Testing (Optional) == == How To Test == Run applications that use numpy or one of it's dependencies. == User Experience == End users should not notice any changes. Python developers will need to rebuild C API code against numpy2, and can then take advantage of new features. == Dependencies == apbs APLpy arbor astrometry asv aubio blender boost bout++ cantera coin-or-HiGHS Cython DisplayCAL dolfin espresso flatbuffers gau2grid gdal gdl ginga gnuradio gr-air-modes grass h5py ipython lammps libarrow libcint libfreenect libxc mathgl Mayavi mlir mlir17 mlpack moose mopac morphio mypaint myst-nb nanovna-saver netcdf4-python nfsometer NLopt ocaml-pyml onnx onnxruntime opencv openmeeg openms openshadinglanguage openvdb paraview PDAL petsc pgzero plplot ProDy psi4 pybind11 pygame pygrib pygsl PyMca pymol pyplane pyproj pytest python-adjustText python-animatplot python-annarchy python-array-api-strict python-arviz python-ase python-astroML python-astroplan python-astropy python-astropy-healpix python-astroquery python-astroscrappy python-autograd python-basemap python-bioframe python-biopython python-bioread python-blosc python-blosc2 python-bluepyopt python-Bottleneck python-boutdata python-boututils python-branca python-brian2 python-brukerapi python-cairocffi python-calcephpy python-cartopy python-ccdproc python-cclib python-cftime python-chaospy python-cma python-cmake-build-extension python-cmap python-collada python-colormath2 python-colorspacious python-contextualbandits python-contourpy python-cramjam python-crick python-cro python-cyipopt python-dask python-deap python-deepdiff python-dijitso python-dipy python-distributed python-ducc0 python-duecredit python-earthpy python-eccodes python-efel python-elasticsearch python-elephant python-emcee python-ephyviewer python-exdir python-ezdxf python-fastavro python-fast-simplification python-ffc python-fiat python-fiona python-fireflyalgorithm python-fisx python-fitsio python-folium python-formulaic python-fsleyes python-fsleyes-props python-fsleyes-widgets python-fslpy python-fsspec python-geomdl python-geopandas python-geotiler python-glymur python-gradunwarp python-graph-tool python-gsd python-h5io python-hamcrest python-hdf5storage python-hdmf python-healpy python-hypothesis python-igraph python-imagecodecs python-imageio python-imbalanced-learn python-img2pdf python-indexed_gzip python-inkex python-inspyred python-intern python-joblib python-jsonpickle python-klusta python-lazyarray python-lazy-loader python-lazy-ops python-lfpy python-lfpykit python-libNeuroML python-libpysal python-llama-cpp-python python-logdetective python-lqrt python-lsp-server python-mapbox-earcut python-mapclassify python-matplotlib python-meautility python-meshio python-missingno python-mizani python-mmtf python-mne python-mne-bids python-mockito python-mrcfile python-multiecho python-music21 python-nashpy python-ndindex python-neatdend python-neo python-netpyne python-neurodsp python-neurom python-neurosynth python-niaaml python-niaarm python-niaclass python-niapy python-nibabel python-nifti-mrs python-nilearn python-nipy python-nixio python-nmrglue python-nptyping python-numcodecs python-numexpr python-numpoly python-numpy-stl python-openctm python-opfunu python-optking python-optuna python-opytimark python-opytimizer python-orjson python-pandas python-pandas-datareader python-partd python-periodictable python-photutils python-pillow python-pingouin python-pint python-plotnine python-probeinterface python-pyABF python-pyairvisual python-pybbi python-pybids python-pybv python-pydantic-core python-pydapsys python-pydicom python-pyedflib python-pyelectro python-pyemd python-pyerfa python-pyface python-pygmtools python-pykdtree python-pymapvbvd python-pymatreader python-pynn python-pynwb python-pyongc python-pyopencl python-pyopengl python-pypet python-pyphi python-pyqtgraph python-pyriemann python-pyscf python-pyshtools python-pyside6 python-pyspike python-pytest7 python-pytest-arraydiff python-pytest-doctestplus python-pytest-randomly python-pytest-regressions python-python-fcl python-pytools python-pyunicorn python-pywt python-pyxdf python-qcelemental python-quantities python-qudida python-rapidfuzz python-rasterio python-ratinabox python-redis python-reproject python-Rtree python-SALib python-scikit-image python-scikit-learn python-scikit-misc python-seaborn python-sep python-sgp4 python-shapely python-simframe python-sklearn-genetic python-sklearn-genetic-opt python-sklearn-nature-inspired-algorithms python-smart_open python-snuggs python-sortedcontainers python-sphinx-gallery python-sport-activities-features python-spyking-circus python-stackprinter python-statsmodels python-steps python-stochastic python-succulent python-superqt python-supersmoother python-tables python-tabulate python-textdistance python-tifffile python-tinygrad python-toml python-torch python-torchvision python-tqdm python-Traits python-traitsui python-transforms3d python-trimesh python-trx-python python-tvb-gdist python-typish python-uranium python-vedo python-vhacdx python-wavio python-wordcloud python-wxpython4 python-xarray python-xarray-einstats python-yfinance python-zarr python-zmq python-zoidberg pythran quantum-espresso root R-reticulate scipy setzer shybrid SoapySDR spec2nii spglib stats-collect sympy uhd urh veusz vigra wult xcfun xtensor xtensor-python == Contingency Plan == * Contingency mechanism: Depending on scope of packages not fixed, Gwyn will either help fix those packages, or create a compat package and patch packages to use that. * Contingency deadline: Beta Freeze * Blocks release? No == Documentation == Links provided above to upstream release notes. Document compat package if applicable. == Release Notes == -- Aoife Moloney Fedora Operations Architect Fedora Project Matrix: IRC: amoloney -- _______________________________________________ devel-announce mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to Fedora Code of Conduct: List Guidelines: List Archives: Do not reply to spam, report it: