On May 5, 2010, at 9:03 AM, Eric Richie wrote:

> On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 10:01 AM, Evan Schoenberg, M.D.
> <eva...@dreskin.net> wrote:
>> On May 5, 2010, at 8:43 AM, John Bailey wrote:
>>> On 05/05/2010 08:31 AM, Eric Richie wrote:
>>>> I know that the overwhelming majority think we should just leave 1.3
>>>> to rot and when Evan and I discussed this we both expressed our desire
>>>> to do 1.3.11 ONLY if it would be as simple as just plucking a few
>>>> changes and releasing.  I'm not too worried about the Gadu stuff, I
>>>> just wanted to get Y! fixed up.
>>> Yahoo JAPAN users can look at http://cs1.msg.vip.ogk.yahoo.co.jp/capacity 
>>> and
>>> put the IP address listed in CS_IP_ADDRESS= in the pager server field (I 
>>> assume
>>> Adium exposes this field; I don't use Adium for Yahoo).  There were no 
>>> actual
>>> changes to the protocol; Yahoo just dropped a bunch of old servers that we
>>> happened to rely on.
>> I agree with Eric - please don't spend time updating for 1.3.
>> The server field is exposed:
>> -Evan
> It might be wise to blog about this information.  If someone wants to
> grab it before I get home they're welcome to do so, otherwise I'll
> take care of it sometime after 5.



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