Hi Leif,

On 2019.05.13 16:56, Leif Lindholm wrote:
Hi Pete,

On Mon, May 13, 2019 at 09:54:12AM +0100, Pete Batard wrote:
This patch series cleans up and updates the CompilerIntrinsicsLib for ArmPkg.

The first patch removes sources that are no longer used and cleans up the .inf.
The second patch adds memcmp and memmove for MSFT, as I ran into missing symbols
for those while compiling a project with VS2017. Note that we are not reusing
the memmove.asm from ARM and instead adding a separate C source, as we need an
implemention that applies for both ARM and ARM64.
The third patch adds a lasr implementation, which I found was needed to fix
missing symbols when compiling with GCC/ARM on Debian 9.8.
The last patch premtpively adds references for uread/uwrite for completion.

Many thanks for this cleanup.
For the series - Reviewed-by: Leif Lindholm <leif.lindh...@linaro.org>
Pushed as 4ff689d982..96ef5a8e30.


But. One question:

When building with Visual Studio 2017, I get the following warning:
"cl : Command line warning D9025 : overriding '/GL' with '/GL-'"
(This is not caused by anything in this set.)

Should we also /wd9025 in the .inf (I think so, since we're explicitly
mucking with the toolchain here), and if so could you send an
additional patch to do that since Ard is still away and I can't sign
off my own patches? :)

Unfortunately, this is a "command line" warnings (D####) and not a compiler warning (C####) and MSVC doesn't seem to let you silence command line warnings.

Or at least, if they can be silenced, it's not through any option I have been able to figure out, as I can definitely report that /wd does not accept any of the D#### numbers.

Still, if anybody on this list knows how to silence MSVC command line warnings, I'd be very happy to hear from them and produce the patch you request, as I too have been wanting to squash these little annoyances for a while...



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