Hi Everyone,

I am pleased to announce that TianoCore has been accepted to participate in 
GSoC 2021! Student applications will start rolling in on March 29th, so now we 
need some volunteers to be mentors. Thank you to all who have volunteered! 
Mentors will need to be able to commit to the following:

* Generally, we prefer mentors who have been long term contributors to the 
TianoCore project
* During the student application period (March 29 - April 13), mentors need to 
be available to help review student applications.
* On average, we expect each student will need roughly 5 hours of help each 
week during the 10 week development period (June 7 - August 16). I know that 
most people here have day jobs (including myself) so I'd like to assign 2 
mentors per student whenever possible, this will reduce the time investment to 
~2.5 hours per week.
* The student and their mentors should meet for 30min at absolute minimum on a 
weekly basis. The mentors should be able to make themselves available for more 
time if the student requires additional mentoring. In general, mentors should 
help their students succeed.
* Help the students get involved the rest of the TianoCore community. A lot of 
times, students have no prior open source experience and can at times be shy. 
One of the goals for GSoC is to give students new experiences and exposure to 
the open source community. Mentors should help students present their project 
at one of the TianoCore Design Meetings and help them solicit feedback from 
other community members on the mailing list.
* Mentors will need to write up 2 evaluations (July and August) for the 
students they are mentoring.

If you are a student and are interested in participating this year, feel free 
to introduce yourself on the mailing list and discuss potential project 

If you are interested, please send me an off-list/private email.


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