On Mon, 2021-08-09 at 12:37 -0400, Stefan Berger wrote:
> This series imports code from the edk2-platforms project related to
> changing the password of the TPM2 platform hierarchy and uses it to
> disable the TPM2 platform hierarchy in Ovmf. It addresses the Ovmf
> aspects of the following bugs:
> https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3510
> https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3499

This raises a couple of issues:

   1. Since OVMF is for all x86 virtual platforms not just the PC ones,
      should it be following the PC client spec for everything?  I notice
      you left out Xen and Bhyve ... should they never follow this?
   2. Since OVMF is effectively both the platform and the firmware, what
      attitude should we take to code in edk2-platforms?  There are
      arguments for pulling all the necessary components into OVMF, but it
      could also be argued that the VMM should take care of all the edk2-
      platforms pieces and OVMF should be strictly firmware.

Getting 2. sorted out is probably the more pressing policy issue for


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