On 11/3/2023 9:00 AM, Laszlo Ersek wrote:
This repo link originally goes back to commit 4202afa45dea ("EDK II: Add
Maintainers.txt file", 2014-10-14). Therefore I *guess* the mirror was
set up by Jordan.

Can we ask (or query) bitbucket.org how many "clone" commands it has

My gut feeling is that nobody has used this mirror in recent years, and
we should get rid of it (both the mirror itself, and its mention in
Maintainers.txt). I could be very wrong of course. For starters, I can't
tell who *created* the mirror.

I found the repository details panel. It just has one watcher, Jordan, so I'd guess he did set it up.

It has two forks, neither of which have been updated recently:

https://bitbucket.org/kevintruong/edk2/src/master/ (last updated: 2015-04-18)

https://bitbucket.org/cn_taoye/edk2/src/master/ (last updated: 2015-11-11)


Rebecca Cran

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