On Wed, Oct 31, 2001 at 08:26:47PM +0100, Fernando Primo wrote:
> Finaly I bought the GSM modem and I have got to send/recive menssage, but
> now I have a little problem, and I don´t  know if you will be able to solve
> it. When I send special character, like "ñ, ú, ó, á, é, í, ü" , I don´t get
> to recive them correctly. Is a configuration problem of GSM modem? or  Is a
> kannel problem?
> I have seen a file "alt_charsets.h" in source files, but I don´t know if i
> have to modify this file to solve this problem and how to do it. ???

Sorry, no idea. ("I am not a programmer", etc.) I've cc'ed the devel
list; someone there should know.

David Holland           =*=   Systems Manager   =*=   tel: +44 01223 478900
http://www.3glab.com/   =*=     3G Lab, UK      =*=   fax: +44 01223 478901

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