On Tue, Jan 08, 2002 at 03:40:54PM +0200, Oded Arbel wrote:
> Yaouch ! this will still not work - it doesn't matter where mySQL
> include files are, as long as mysql.h and mysql_version.h are on the
> same directory, kannel will not compile successful.

Really? It works fine for me with them both in /usr/include/mysql:

[dholland@geodude dholland]$ locate mysql.h
[dholland@geodude dholland]$ locate mysql_version.h
[dholland@geodude dholland]$ 

[dholland@geodude gateway]$ ./configure --with-mysql=/usr
checking for MySQL client support in... /usr
checking for /usr/include/mysql/mysql.h... yes
checking for mysql/mysql.h... yes
checking for mysql/mysql_com.h... yes
checking for mysql/mysql_version.h... yes

and the build succeeds. This is on Red Hat 7.1 with the
mysql-devel-3.23.36-1 rpm.

I am interested to know what the difference in file layouts is between
the Red Hat packaged version and the default MySQL install.

David Holland           =*=   Systems Manager   =*=   tel: +44 01223 478900
http://www.3glab.com/   =*=     3G Lab, UK      =*=   fax: +44 01223 478901

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