On Fri, 2002-05-31 at 17:08, Angel Fradejas wrote:
> Hi all,
> here's a patch for smsbox.c
> 1) a couple of memory leaks (msg->sms.udhdata and accepted_chars)
thanks, could someone else apply this ?

> 2) allow to change msg->sms.service via X-Kannel-Service header or xml tag
Why should you change the sms.service ?

sms.service is the name field in configuration, for sms-service and 
sendsms-user, so you can identify the service or username used, in

We shouldn't give access to clients connecting through http.
I vote -1 for this part

> Cheers.
> Angel Fradejas
> Mediafusión España, S.A.
> www.mediafusion.es
> Tel. +34 91 252 32 00
> Fax  +34 91 572 27 08

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