
I would vote +1 for this to be rolled into CVS. We have somethng similar but it is not as general nor as complete.

At 01:24 PM 10/31/02 +0200, Oded Arbel wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alan McNatty [mailto:alan@;catalyst.net.nz]

> > ok - my mistake, according to the specs, it should be
> > if ( pdu->u.deliver_sm.data_coding == 0x00 )
> > charset_gsm_to_latin1(msg->sms.msgdata);
> >
> > yes - I'm aware that this does not solve your problem, but
> SMPP servers send GSM 7 bit alphabet
> > encoded messages using data_coding 0x00.
> Yes - this is what I thought. What's your opionion on having an
> additional config directive stating what the SMSC default alphabet. I
> don't know how in the world anyone is suppost to know in advance what
> the SMSC default alphabet is...
> ie:
> default_alphabet = 0x01

I hate putting in more configuration paremeters. how about this rewrite of data_coding handling (see attached patch file). a similar version is running on our system for about half a year now, I only now had the incentive to generalize it, but I changed some stuff, to treat this code as untested.

Oded Arbel
m-Wise mobile solutions

+972-9-9581711 (116)

"Let's suppose you have a table with 2^n cups..."
"Wait a second - is n a natural number?"

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