Why base64 ? Why not binary (without -e flag)?


On Wednesday, November 27, 2002, at 06:20 PM, Alex Judd wrote:


I've been reading everyones post and problems on the Kannel mailing list in
depth with MMS notification sending and so far are still having problems
which I can't resolve - therefore wondering if you anyone can shed any light
with a couple of problems that I'm having with it.

1. Tokenisation of the m-notification txt file

I'm currently doing this using test_ppg and the output I'm getting is very
different from your 'humanised' tokenizing. Using

../test/test_ppg -e base64 -a mms -c mms
m-notification-ind.txt pap.txt'

I get

2002-11-27 16:42:05 Sent SMS [SMSC:8888889567] [SVC:test] [ACT:]
[from:21990000] [to:+447740305115] [flags:0:2:0:0:0]
[msg:128:06063ABE966C6F63616C686F73743A3830383000AF84436F6E74656E742D54 72616
E736665722D456E636F64696E670062696E617279008D020146B480436F6E74656E742D 54797
0653A206170706C69636174696F6E2F766E642E7761702E6D6D732D6D6573736167650A 582D4
D6D732D4D6573736167652D547970653A206D] [udh:12:0B05040B8423F00003060301]

2002-11-27 16:42:05 Sent SMS [SMSC:8888889567] [SVC:test] [ACT:]
[from:21990000] [to:+447740305115] [flags:0:2:0:0:0]
[msg:128:72793A203235363B20747970653D72656C61746976650A582D4D6D732D436F 6E746
56E742D4C6F636174696F6E3A20687474703A2F2F3231322E3131382E3234342E32352F 6D6D7
3746573742F6D312E6D6D730A582D5741502D4170706C69636174696F6E2D49643A2078 2D776
1702D6170706C69636174696F6E3A6D6D732E] [udh:12:0B05040B8423F00003060303]

2002-11-27 16:42:05 Sent SMS [SMSC:8888889567] [SVC:test] [ACT:]
[from:21990000] [to:+447740305115] [flags:0:2:0:0:0]
[msg:128:2D6E6F74696669636174696F6E2D696E640A582D4D6D732D5472616E736163 74696
F6E2D49643A203132350A582D4D6D732D56657273696F6E3A20312E300A582D4D6D732D 4D657
3736167652D436C6173733A20506572736F6E616C0A582D4D6D732D4D6573736167652D 53697
A653A20343931300A582D4D6D732D45787069] [udh:12:0B05040B8423F00003060302]


X-Mms-Message-Type: m-notification-ind
X-Mms-Transaction-Id: 125
X-Mms-Version: 1.0
X-Mms-Message-Class: Personal
X-Mms-Message-Size: 4910
X-Mms-Expiry: 256; type=relative
X-WAP-Application-Id: x-wap-application:mms.ua


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<push-message push-id="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
<address address-value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">

whereas my understanding is that I should get 8c8298 etc.

The working m-notification-ind message I've been using to test is sendsms?username=xxx&password=yyy&to=+44
7740305115&from=test&udh=%06%05%04%0b%84%23%f0&text=%0f%06%03%be%af%84% 8c%82
%98%39%39%39%35%40%66%6c%79%65%72%6f%6e%65%2e%63%6f%6d%00%8d%90%8a%80%8 e%01%

which at least initiates a call to my wap server to receive the content. The
3 part message I can 'hear' receiving the message but can't see any call to
the webserver. Also interestingly, my external server looks as though it
receives the multipart message in order of 0,2,1 however I'm guessing the
message will still be arranged correctly by Kannel.

2. Serving MMS content

I've configured Apache to serve .mms files with the content type
application/vnd.wap.mms-message (thanks Ivor) however the phone complains of
a formatting error when it recieves the message. I'm using Nokia encoded
binary messages here which should in theory work. Again, open for
suggestions as how to verify these messages are correct.

Thoughts are that I may need to use Kannel as a proxy to fetch the content
from the Apache server and serve it itself. Guessing that might be the SAR
issue that has been resolved that stopped this happening before however now

Thanks for the help so far :)



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