The OpenSS7 ( project has had plans to integrate kannel with SS7 and a MAP layer to create a full fledged open source SMSC for some time now. You should take a look at the project page for updates and contact the project coordinator for the current status.

SS7 is pretty hairy (read brain damaged) in the lower layers, but the MAP pieces float on top are basically an application API encoded in ASN.1 (same as encoding SSL X509 certs). In 3G most of the lower layers are replaced by TCP/IP with MAP pretty much unchaged AFAIK.

An open source SMSC would be a very useful thing to achieve.

James Ewing

Alex Kinch wrote:
Suppose so, but thought I'd ask anyway while I was thinking about it. When it comes to SS7 I'm not really up to speed on it.. maybe some kind soul would take time to explain it to me in exchange for a couple of beers (Steve?!) :-)

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