Thanks a ton for your help Mr Ian.

The problem seems to be resolved now. However I am gettign another thing
2003-11-06 09:43:09 [1] ERROR: Error reading from fd 28:
2003-11-06 09:43:09 [1] ERROR: System error 104: Connection reset by peer

Whenever I am sending a message, this is the error that is coming in my
Bearerbox log, the SMSbox log seems to be workign fine.

DOes any one have any clue in this regard.

Many thanks in advance for your help.

Kind regards,
-----Original Message-----
Ian Cass
Sent: 05 November 2003 20:48
To: Gagan Chadha; Users(Kannel)
Cc: Devel-Kannel; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: delivery report-unsolicited message getting submitted to
the SMSC

Gagan Chadha wrote:
> Hello ALL
> I am facing a very strange problem(as such all problems are strange;))
> I am connecting to SMPP based SMSC. The message is going fine and is
> getting delivered without problem. Althought when i am recieving a
> delivery report, automatically a message is getting pushed..
> They are sendng me delivery report using delivery report standard of
> SMPP as per them.

They are not setting the esm_class on the delivery report, therefore it
looks like an MO.

Ian Cass

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