On Wed, 2009-05-06 at 17:52, Beatrice Tamburrino wrote:
> The webserver should be part of a big software engine which my company 
> develops. we also use the apache server but for incoming traffic, we need a 
> custom build one for overviewing the requests.
> anyway, its not a big deal to write a webserver, but I'm really interested on 
> how the output-requests are done?
> maybe you have an idea?

I wrote custom server/application in Perl. I'm thinking to rewrite it in
C, but don't have time to do that. It's cheaper to by CPU/memory.

And, yes, kannel send requests over http interface (GET method) in
parallel, not sequentially.

Kind regards,  Milan
Arvanta, IT Security        http://www.arvanta.net
Please do not send me e-mail containing HTML code.

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