On Mon, 2010-08-30 at 17:06, Nikos Balkanas wrote:
> Please see comments inlined.
> Nikos
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Alexander Malysh"
> <amal...@kannel.org>
> To: "Nikos Balkanas" <nbalka...@gmail.com>
> Cc: <devel@kannel.org>
> Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 12:08 PM
> Subject: Re: Patch: gw/urltrans.c
> >>Hi,
> >>why do you change explicit configuration to something implicit?
> I don't understand. Please explain what is explicit and what is implicit.
> >>user have to decide whether to use keyword or keyword-regex and
> >>if both given
> >>it's error and was indicated so.
> Just trying to align source with documentation, by popular demand.
> >>About the case sensitivity, I would like to give a user
> >>possibility to decide.
> >>The policy should be:
> >>- if keyword given make it case insensitive (just backwards
> >>compatibility)
> >>- if keyword-regex given it's case sensitive
> That's confusing for anyone. How do you know what users want? It
> could blow the list off. I think everything should be treated
> equally. keyword-regex is just an extention of keyword. Rules
> applying to the first should apply to the second as well.
> Any votes from the list?

keyword-regex _should_ be case sensitive without any doubt, IMHO.

If it (by chance) becomes case insensitive that will be great
Kind regards,  Milan
Arvanta, IT Security        http://www.arvanta.net
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