Jordan Crouse wrote:
> On 15/05/07 07:11 -1000, Mitch Bradley wrote:
>>> Also, would it make sense to coordinate the order of the high and low
>>> dwords with the order they are specified with 'wrmsr'?  
>>> I don't think it matters which order (lo-hi hi-lo) you use - The AMD
>>> debuggers use hi:lo, and Mitch uses lo:hi -  as long as you pick one
>>> and stay consistant, we'll be fine.
>> Actually, Mitch uses hi.lo .  Examples:
>> ok 1808 .msr
>> 25fff002.10f00000.
>> ok 400000ef.c00fffff. 51010020 msr!
> Oops - OK.  Then the FS2 uses lo:hi.  I couldn't remember which order,
> but I remembered that they were opposite.

The lo:hi format really makes your brain hurt when dealing with numeric 
fields that span the boundary.  The Geode has many such fields.

If it wouldn't be too difficult, it would also be nice to permit 
embedded commas or dots in the number, because counting digits in a 
64-bit number is very difficult without the help of punctuation.

> Jordan
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