Am 30.03.2015 um 14:57 schrieb Colomban Wendling:

If `pdata` is provided in geany_plugin_register(), how does it get
released?  If it has to be a pointer to static data it's a bit limiting,
and forces use of (static) globals, which is one thing that this new API
tries to avoid, doesn't it?  We could also ask for a GDestroyNotify, but
that's an additional arg we might not need.

And also, providing the pdata in geany_load_module() might mean memory
allocation, allocation that might never be used if the plugin isn't

OTOH, if `pdata` is a member of GeanyPlugin, it can be allocated in
init() and freed in cleanup() without having to tell Geany how it has to
free it.

I see what you mean. Indeed, this could be a problem.

I wanted the pdata parameter such that it is friendly to language bindings. This doesn't work if the user_data is hidden down in some other structs passed as parameter. For example, I wanted to make it possible to use vala member functions classes directly as plugin hooks. And this works, however there is indeed a leak. I have a prototype, see below.

Considering this use case I would rather take the GDestroyNotify than hiding down pdata in another param. Passing it to geany_plugin_register() also allows for using a member function for the init() hook already.

What do you think?

Best regards

Appendix: The prototype is like this:

using Geany;

class Tester
    public void init(Plugin p) { }

    public void help(Plugin p) { /* shows a dialog */ }

    public void cleanup(Plugin p) { }

private PluginHooks hooks;
public bool geany_load_module(Plugin p, GLib.Module mod, int geany_api_ver)
    hooks.init = Tester.init; =;
    hooks.cleanup = Tester.cleanup;
    p.register(Geany.API_VERSION, 224, Geany.ABI_VERSION,
        ref hooks, new Tester() /* LEAK */);


    /* ... */
    return true;

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