On Wed, 2007-06-27 at 17:31 +0200, Alexander Larsson wrote:
> I have a general question on how this vserver/overlay/whatever system
> is
> supposed to handle system files that are not part of the system image,
> but still exist in the root file system. For instance,
> take /var/log/messages or /dev/log? Where are they stored? Are they
> mixed in with the other system files? If so, then rolling back to an
> older version will give you e.g. your old log files back. Also, that
> could be complicating the usage of rsync. If you use --delete then it
> would delete these files (as they are not on the server).

Just a note about these particular files.  I don't think that on the
final version that we're going to be running a kernel or syslog daemon.
We're running them right now because they are useful for debugging but I
don't want those out there in the field taking up memory and writing to
the flash when they don't have to be.  I suspect that for most users
they will have very little use.


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