Jeffrey Kesselman wrote:
> On Dec 21, 2007 5:00 PM, Mike C. Fletcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Side note: kqemu does work under 64-bit Linux (it's what I use to
>> emulate on my AMD64 box).
> Do you run qemu or qemu-x86_64 ?
qemu-x86_64, particularly I run:

qemu-system-x86_64 -kernel-kqemu -m 1024 -hda $1 -net user -net
nic,model=rtl8139 -soundhw es1370

as a script.
> Qemu will indeed work on a 64 bit (Win32) system with kqemu, but its
> not operating as a 64 bit app.
> qemu-x86_64, at least in the build pointed at by the OLPC wiki, is not
> built with kqemu support and throws an error when youy try to use the
> -kernel-kqemu flag
Ah, I'm on Gentoo, so I *always* use a custom build of *everything*, my
version does support -kernel-kqemu.
> Thanks!  I'll give it a shot!
Good to hear it worked for you.  If you can send me the upgraded v6 VMX
I'll try to produce both a 5.x and a 6.x vmx file from the image
conversions so that others don't need to do that work.

Have fun,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

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