You may be amused to know that the firmware has an Easter Egg of the 
Conway's Life.  If you press the rocker pad (left side of screen) to the 
right after powering on, you will get a randomly-select amusement, one 
of which is Life.  It uses the traditional life-death rule with a 
wrap-around field, and initial conditions that result in a fairly long 
number of generations before steady-state.  Specificially, the initial 
state is a glider gun and an R-pentomino.  The pentomino evolution 
eventually wrecks the gun, but things get pretty wild for awhile as 
gliders wrap around and interact with the debris from the pentomino.  It 
almost stabilizes several times, but then something will set off another 
burst of activity for awhile before it finally dies out.

Ross Andrews wrote:
> The wiki says I should send this application to the list for comments,  
> so here goes!
> 1. Project name             : Game of Life
> 2. Existing website, if any :
> 3. One-line description     : John Conway's Game of Life
> 4. Longer description       : This was one of the first cellular  
> automata,
>                              : invented by John Conway in 1970. It's  
> fun to
>                              : play with, encourages experimentation and
>                              : discovery, and is hypnotic to watch.
> 5. URLs of similar projects :
> 6. Committer list
>     Please list the maintainer (lead developer) as the first entry.  
> Only list
>     developers who need to be given accounts so that they can commit  
> to your
>     project's code repository, or push their own. There is no need to  
> list
>     non-committer developers.
>        Username   Full name             SSH2 key  
> URL                    E-mail
>        --------   ---------              
> ------------                    ------
>     #1 randrews   Ross Andrews                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 7. Preferred development model
>     [X] Central tree. Every developer can push his changes directly to  
> the
>         project's git tree. This is the standard model that will be  
> familiar to
>         CVS and Subversion users, and that tends to work well for most  
> projects.
> 8. Set up a project mailing list:
>     [X] No
> 9. Commit notifications
>     [X] No commit notifications, please
> 10. Shell accounts
>     None needed.
> 11. Translation
>     [X] Set up the Pootle server to allow translation  
> commits to be made
>     Translation requirements should be minimal. A few labels, that's it.
> 12. Notes/comments:
>     I have a version in development that works (using Pygame) but  
> isn't integrated into Sugar yet (still working on that). I think this  
> is pretty well suited to the XO hardware since it can be controlled  
> easily in tablet mode, works fine in monochrome, doesn't need battery- 
> consuming animation or complex graphics.
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> Devel mailing list

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