
Think VERY carefully about his.  Your opening up a world of potential
hurt for 2D game developers and similar kinds of apps.

They generally design their apps to a specific display and specific
set of input options.  The single biggest pain point for cell phone
game developers is that every dann phone has its own screen size.
Today, they ship a ton of skus, each modified for each phone they want
to support :(

Its not so bad in 3D because the 3D hardware takes care of all the
scaling to the screen....  but the OLPC today is not a 3D device :(


On Dec 25, 2007 2:46 PM, Bernardo Innocenti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (cc sugar@, eben)
> Jeffrey Kesselman wrote:
> > On Dec 24, 2007 4:57 PM, C. Scott Ananian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Bernie has the details to get a 1200x900 screen in the emulator on the
> >> wiki somewhere (right?);
> >
> > All I could find was a "qemu cant do this" on the emulation page and a
> > very confusing discussion of multiple different drives on the drivers
> > page.
> Both vmware and qemu (recent CVS snapshot) can do this using
> the vmware driver:
>   http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/5163
> This driver is only available in xtest for now.  Scott,
> please note that #5163 is blocked on a Pilgrim patch.
> Please apply it and we can close it.
> > I'm willing to bet my VMWare is capable of this if someone could just
> > point me at the right settings to put into my xorg.conf
> Both xtest and joyride carry the necessary config file:
> /etc/X11/xorg-vmware.conf.  But joyride is missing the
> vmware driver.
> That said, I think we should state clearly in our HIG that
> applications should be resolution independent because the
> display size will vary in future hardware and in *current*
> hardware to which Sugar has been ported.
> What do the Sugar developers think about it?
> --
>  \___/
>  |___|   Bernardo Innocenti - http://www.codewiz.org/
>   \___\  One Laptop Per Child - http://www.laptop.org/

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