On Jan 5, 2008 9:01 PM, drew einhorn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If we are going to have small local communities instead of one big one,
> the we need to be able to contact multiple jabber servers, because there
> will be communities organized by:
>    age groups
>    language
>    xo activity
>    geographic region
>    curriculum topic
>    and many more

There is a strong need for non-local communication, also. Earth
Treasury wants to encourage schools around the world to connect to
each other, for a variety of purposes.

* Education: Geography, culture, music, language, and many other topics
* Collaborative global mapping projects: weather, health, agriculture,
air and water quality, ecologies...
* Going into business together

In fact, I think we need a Social Networking Web site specifically for
the children, protected from adults who might want to interfere or
exploit children. And a site for teachers, parents, and other
interested parties. Would anybody here like to help create such sites?

> the chances that all the communities a student wants to participate in
> are unlikely to all be on the same server.
> If we have large communities on big presence servers we will need more
> advanced to filter My Neighborhood to show only the individuals we are
> currently interested in.
> Reading the Human Interface Guidelines in looks like multiple groups
> are supposed to be supported, but for now it looks like we only have
> one group Friends.
> And it looks like currently the only filtering we have is pattern matching
> based on nickname.
> Or is there more there that I have not figured out yet.
> On Jan 5, 2008 9:39 PM, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Dave Belfer-Shevett wrote:
> > > I've just received my, er,  my son's XO, and he's ecstatic with it,
> > > enjoying fiddling with Python programs and other tidbits.  I've heard
> > > that the Jabber 'chat' functions are disabled on the US XO's, mostly
> > > because the existing jabber hosts can't really take the load of all
> > > these machines going out.
> > >
> > > I have machinery and bandwidth available for setting up a dedicated,
> > > fairly powerful machine specifically to run Jabber for the OLPC
> > > community.  I have no problems building, configuring, installing, and
> > > maintaining the machine in a colo facility in Bedford, MA.  I'll donate
> > > the hardware and time to make it work, if it'll benefit the project.
> > >
> > > I'm looking at a dual-Xeon 2.8 gig Ubuntu Gutsy box (1U) with a pair of
> > > mirrored drives.  The facility has multiple peered connections (it
> > > supports a series of VOIP servers), and is well managed.
> > >
> > > I have experience running jabber servers, and sysadminning.  Would this
> > > be of benefit to the community?
> > >
> > > Please let me know.  I can be reached on jabber at
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] , or email at [EMAIL PROTECTED] is fine too.
> > > I'm also (obviously) on the devel list :)
> > >
> > > Thanks.  I do want to contribute to the project in any way I can...
> > >
> > >       -dbs
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> > > Devel mailing list
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> > >
> >
> > Some other people have suggested local Jabber servers, and I agree with
> > them. What I think would be really wonderful would be if someone could
> > make a LiveCD that would boot up as a Jabber server for XOs! It's a real
> > bear to configure one, and a LiveCD would make it feasible for
> > communities to do it.
> >
> > I've been on the xochat.com server from time to time, and there are
> > sometimes so many people you can't really "meet" anyone.
> >
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> > Devel mailing list
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> >
> --
> Drew Einhorn
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Edward Cherlin
Earth Treasury: End Poverty at a Profit
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it."--Alan Kay
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