On Sun, 27 Jan 2008, Richard A. Smith wrote:

>> 1. the battery light is flashing red all the time (on for ~1 sec out of 
>> every 4)
> Flashing red means battery error.  If you don't have a developer key please 
> get one.  Unlock your machine and then do what ever it takes to cause the red 
> flashing.  Then  reboot the machine hit esc at the countdown to to get to an 
> 'ok' prompt.  Then at ok prompt type:
> ec-abnormal@ .

interesting, the battery life hasn't been great, but it's been working. 
I'll rebootand report the result.

> Note the ' .' on the end.  That prints out the value.  This should print  a 
> number.  Please report back what that error code is.
>> 2. I left the laptop running overnight with the screen backlight off. in 
>> the past I coul wake it up and everything would be good (including alpine 
>> remaining running and seeing new mail)
>> this time it had disconnected from my access point and connected to mesh1, 
>> and when I tried to switch back the mouse was very flaky (a problem I have 
>> not had in the past) and the machine finally froze, after 15 min I power 
>> cycled it.
> The system firmware doesn't really have much to do with networking so I'm 
> confused if it actually made a difference.  Was the firmware the only thing 
> you changed?

I upgraded to the joyride version with this firmware, couldn't reach my 
network, so rebooted to 689, repeated the process with 690, same 
WEP problem so rebooted to 689 where I had the problem reported above.

as I understand it this should have left me with everything the same 
except the firmware.

David Lang
Devel mailing list

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