On Thursday 31 January 2008, Jim Gettys wrote:
> For comment and discussion, here are the showstoppers I know of for
> getting Update.1 finished.  If you think there are others, please speak
> up now (and modify the subject line to start another thread).
> Activity developers: note we'll be asking you to upload updated
> activities to pick up all the recent flurry of translation work very
> soon.
>  1 - wireless firmware and driver support
>               (to fix problems with WEP and WPA)
>  2 - q2d11 OFW - to fix battery problems
>  3 - update activities to pick up translation work, Spanish
>       in particular, but not missing other languages we may need.
>  4 - UI fix for registration with the school server.
> http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/6136
>  5 - switch to gabble from salut at school.
>  6 -testing and fixing anything critical!
> If we don't want to hold up an RC2 to pick up translation, then we
> should anticipate an RC4 might be necessary (as we may have issues that
> come up with updated activities).
I think we will need a RC-4  

Right now im waiting for tickets indicating which kernel  and bootfw we need 
to use.  Then I want to get a build out.


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