Kent Loobey wrote:
> On Saturday 02 February 2008 06:51:39 Mike C. Fletcher wrote:
> At this point my problem seems to be one of color.  I have since learned that 
> the colors of my original images were not distinguishable.  I seem to 
> remember somewhere that you all are using a 16 bit palette.  It could be that 
> I am making images that are 32 bit and when it maps them to 16 bit they 
> change.  I say this because I made some new images with more colors in them 
> and they now display with distorted color in svgspritetest.activity.
32 bit to 16 bit shouldn't cause any reasonably distinct colours to
disappear into one another, 16 bit gives you 32 shades for each
component, unless your graphics were really-pale-ivory on white they
should still show up.
> The colors are just wrong, i.e., Red shows up as blue for example.  This 
> leads 
> me to believe that all my images have been displayed but that I can't see 
> some of them because they have been mapped to the same color as the 
> background.

That sounds like a problem in the array-handling code.  The SVGSprite
has probably only been tested on AMD64 machines (i.e. my workstation
here (though I thought I'd run on the XO to test it)), could be we're
seeing a problem with the translation code on 32-bit machines.  There's
also an explicit colour rotation going on for handling text on certain
versions of pycairo/pygtk, but that shouldn't affect the rsvg renderer.

Can you also tell me what environment you're running under?  Desktop
32-bit Linux in either jhbuild or ubuntu packages is what I'm assuming.
> My initial images were 48x48 pixels.  The activity.svg image included with 
> svgspritetest.activity is 45x45.
Okay, size isn't the problem, then.  If you can send me a problem file
I'll try to figure out what's going wrong.

Take care,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

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