If you can still boot and get to the console, you should be able to
both configure your network and do an update.

Are you familiar with the iwconfig command?
It is in /sbin

olpc-update lives in the /usr/sbin directory, which should be in your
path on the root shell on the console. But if not, just use the full

/sbin/iwconfig eth0 essid [your AP name]

/usr/sbin/olpc-update 656


On 2/9/08, James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9 Feb 2008, at 14:04, Walter Bender wrote:
> > it is likely just a (simple) matter of checking your i18n-related
> > files.
> Hi Walter,
> Thanks for jumping in.
> With Simon Schampijer's help, I have restored the i18n and keyboard
> file to (what I believe is) their initial state, but the boot problem
> persists.
> > If things are so scrambled that you cannot sort them out, you can
> > always:
> >
> > (1) boot with the O key down to load your alternative image;
> I presume you mean the O key on the game pad?  No joy:
>    Release the game key to continue
>    <Jingle>
>    Xo logo appears, along with a red USB key, an orange floppy/screen(?)
>    and a green XO logo, with four yellow dots underneath it.
>    Then:
>    Trying nand:\security\develop.sig
>    Trying nand:\boot-alt\bootfw.zip
>    Trying nand:\boot-alt\runos.zip
>    Boot failed
>    Use power button to power off
>    And a sad smiley face.
> Or (most of the time)
>   Release the game key to continue
>    <Jingle>
>    Xo logo appears
>    <Pause>
>    Red USB key, an orange floppy/screen(?), a green XO logos a 4 yellow
>    dots appear, along with the sad smiley, plus the text:
>    Boot failed
>    Powering off in 10 seconds
> > (2) do an olpc-update from the console; or
> > (3) reflash
> Where did my comfort zone go, all of a sudden?
> I'm not sure how to do an olpc-update from the console, since the XO
> has not had the chance to connect to the Internet at this point.  I
> presume that I need to follow the instructions
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Olpc-update#Simple_Offline_Upgrade
> If I understand correctly, I should type...
>    olpc-update --version
> ... into the virtual console.  However, this command is not
> recognized.  I read on:
>    If you don't even have the --version option, or if it does not say
> that you are
>    using at least version 2.0 of olpc-update, you will need to upgrade
> olpc-update
>    before continuing.
> Catch 22.  Upgrading to olpc-update means using wget, which means
> being connected to the Internet.  Which the XO is not.
> Conclusion: I need to download an image to a USB key, and boot from
> that.
> I found an encouraging item at <http://chanson.livejournal.com/179947.html
>  >:
>    Just copy the os653.img file to the FAT formatted USB drive,
> connect it to
>    the OLPC then reboot with all the game buttons pressed.
> I reformatted a USB key to MS-DOS (FAT) format.  I downloaded
> os653.img from <http://download.laptop.org/xo-1/os/official/latest/jffs2/
>  >.  I then followed Chris Hanson's instructions (above)... and after
> more lines of Trying <this that and the other>, was gratified by
> another sad smiley.
> So.  What options do I have left?  Or where have I gone wrong?
> On 9 Feb 2008, at 14:55, Walter Bender wrote:
> > time for a full update...
> > sigh.
> Where do I find the steps for this?
> Thanks in advance,
> James

Walter Bender
One Laptop per Child
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