several of us took our XO laptops to the SCALE conferance this weekend. We 
got a LOT of attention (you couldn't walk down the hallway with one 
without people asking about them, I stepped out of a class at the 
afternoon break on friday and didn't make it down to the registration desk 
for 5 hours)

however when we attempted to demo the measure activity we just could not 
figure out how to make it work. we got it working three times over the 
weekend (among a dozen or more tries).

we has laptops with the 650 build, the -rc2 build, and the signed build 
released in Jan (one of them started with a joyride build as of 
mid-week). no matter which combinations of builds we tried, we were not 
able to repeat a sucess.

could somone explain step-by-step what is supposed to happen (and what 
screen we need to be on when to see the result) I have a pair of boxes 
which are now on the -rc2 build, so I can try and see if I can get this to 
work reliably.

we also had problems with recent builds that while the laptops were taking 
measurements they would go to sleep, breaking the connection and 
terminating the joint activity, the one sucess we had with -rc2 machines 
required that the person holding each laptop keep masaging the mouse pad 
to keep the machine awake.

we looked in the application bar for the activity to show up as the result 
of an invite, useually it wouldn't show up at all, and sometimes when it 
showed up we still weren't able to get the two machines to work togeather.

when it works it's a great demo, but it's extremely frustrating thing to 
try and get it to work and fail.

David Lang

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