    That is the current situation, and the chatter generated by Salut  
multiplied by mesh multicast
really does prevent laptops from connecting through gabble.   We did  
a recent test here where
20 laptops really melted down a single channel.


On Feb 14, 2008, at 2:39 PM, Ricardo Carrano wrote:

> I am not sure I was clear. I meant: maybe it is not necessary to  
> turn it (salut) off _while_ trying to connect to gabble. If  
> connected to gabble, then stop salut.
> Wouldn't this simplify matters?
> On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 3:44 PM, Ricardo Carrano  
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (e) make salut less chatty during this period (instead of stopping  
> it).
> But I don't know if this is possible or how to do it. So it maybe  
> not a valid suggestion.
> But ...
> I think we have a time sensitive problem. Salut clogs the network  
> if there are many XOs running it. So, if you think of a scenario  
> where many XOs are _not_ turned on at the same time (or  within a  
> certain time window) each XO will have an opportunity to switch to  
> gabble without the need to turn salut off. The network will be  
> naturally salut free.
> Maybe  we don't need to turn salut off while trying to connect to  
> gabble.
> On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 3:19 PM, John Watlington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
> wrote:
> On Feb 14, 2008, at 11:52 AM, Jim Gettys wrote:
> >
> > On Thu, 2008-02-14 at 16:58 +0200, Morgan Collett wrote:
> >> We're testing patches to Presence Service to not start salut (or  
> stop
> >> it) for a while to give gabble a chance to connect to the
> >> schoolserver.
> >>
> >> However, Daf came across what was a very minor problem which  
> becomes
> >> more serious in light of this change.
> >>
> >> Many activities are calling PS get_preferred_connection() to  
> interact
> >> directly with the appropriate Telepathy Connection Manager,  
> which was
> >> required in the past before we expanded Presence Service's
> >> management of
> >> setting up channels for activities.
> >>
> >> However, during the period when we stop salut to let gabble try to
> >> connect, this call fails as there is no running plugin in PS. If an
> >> activity is launched during this time (and there's no particular
> >> UI to
> >> show this other than no buddies in mesh view) and it makes this
> >> call in
> >> __init__ as most of them do, then it will crash with a gray screen.
> >>
> >> This affects: Calculate, Chat, Pippy, Record, Web and Write (of the
> >> activities we bundle) and potentially other non-bundled activities.
> >
> > Ouch...
> >
> > Seems like this is something we're going to have to fix pretty  
> quickly
> > no matter what.
> >
> >>
> >> Our options are:
> >>
> >> (a) Touch all these activities now and port them to the newer  
> cleaner
> >> API offered by PS/Sugar
> >
> > How big are the diffs?  Does this simplify the code?
> >
> >> (b) Don't do #6299 for Update.1, but do it and (a) for Update1.1
> >
> > This would be pretty much immediately, anyway.
> >
> >> (c) Find some way for the call to get_preferred_connection to fail
> >> gracefully (We can't think of one so far)
> >> (d) Make a UI change to let the children know not to launch
> >> activities
> >> during this time period\
> (d) might be the simplest to implement in the required time frame.
> > Let me ask a different question: what happens to activities already
> > running which are running shared?  Are they going to fail?
> > Presumably,
> > yes....
> It sounds like any activity trying to share until either gable
> connect to a server
> or gives up and starts salut is going to crash.  This either happens
> on boot or
> when a user manually switches networks.
> wad
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