On Feb 19, 2008 12:26 AM, Chris Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  * disconnected operation
>   - we can't use webmail for e-mail if there's no network; should we come
>     up with a simple stored e-mail solution that batches outgoing and
>     incoming mail on USB keys that can be passed around?
>   - maybe allow offline requests for web pages, with the pages downloaded
>     whenever possible or downloaded elsewhere to a USB key?

I know Andy Rabagliati, the guy behind Wizzy Digital Courier
(http://www.wizzy.org.za/) which provides both batched email and
offline web requests via USB stick. He's been in a discussion on the
server-devel list - see the archives.

Perhaps this kind of thing could be run on the teacher's XO?
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