>> Again whats your source for this info? Because its news to me.
> http://laptop.org/en/laptop/hardware/specs.shtml
> LCD power consumption: 0.1 Watt with backlight off; 0.2-1.0 Watt with 
> backlight on;
 > David Lang

You are misinterpreting that. That is the display _only_.  Not the 
system power.

> in full e-book mode the display unit is the only thing getting power 
> (radio off, cpu fully suspended)

And the EC, the memory, various pull up/down resistors, and few other 
suspend voltage regulators.  All these add up to a non-trivial amount.

Claiming that the power draw of the display unit in e-book is the system 
of draw of the laptop is inaccurate.  It will be close if you were to 
throw up a page and let it sit there and never touch it.  But the moment 
you engage the cpu to flip a page you draw 5-7x more power.  The average 
  draw then depends on how may pages you flip.  We do not yet have any 
metrics for what that will work out to be.

Richard Smith  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
One Laptop Per Child
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