Fidonet??!!! You have put tears in my eyes... I was 20 years old, It was 20 years ago... there was no internet (or UUCP nodes) in Peru... we were a bunch (only 20 people, at most) that were interested to connect to something that was outside the country... so we call (dial up)... international call to some phones located in the U.S. to send our request... ah! those times... great times! (first time we connect we hire a big screen and project the connection so all can
see the connection... crazies, we were crazy kids! ... well, its gone!)

Since I am mounting this small lab to replicate a "XO network" with access to "School Server" then I will have to add one more computer (a windows ones) to test the "sneaker-networking" (well... we will
walk 3 meters only! but it is the same!)...

If my memory is not wrong (we are old guys, very old!!!) I learn about Fidonet and Compuserve and BBS and similar things reading a "gone" magazine named "Creative Computing"... I wonder if the same "innovative" spirit of that magazine can be translated to the children of this generation with
the help of the XOs & OLPC...

I will check and find for all the UUCP versions (software) in the next days... and I will put them in our website for anyone that want to get back some memories... (or help with the tests!)

Best regards,

Javier Rodriguez
Lima, Peru

John Gilmore wrote:
uucp ... the first place I'd turn for
sneaker-netting posix-ish systems together.

Yep.  UUCP is great if there's a phone line that can dial overnight
cheaply, but no Internet.  I released the first free implementation of
uucp (gnuucp), which was later succeeded by my friend Ian Taylor's
"Taylor uucp", which I believe is still the best free version.  Ian
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> may still even maintain it (last release: 1.07 in
2003).  See:

There was also an MSDOS implementation of uuslave (the predecessor of
gnuucp), maintained by Tim Pozar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, which was widely
used to gateway Fidonet nodes to Usenet/UUCP nodes.  That was the
first project I worked on to bring thousands of 14-year-olds into the
global network.  See:
If a remote school has a dialup phone connection that can run TCP/IP
over a modem, that's probably better than running uucp over it, even
if you can only run it at night due to telco charges.  But uucp has a
lot of scheduling and queueing support that more modern TCP/IP systems
have forgotten about.


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