A few months back, Seth Woodworth (irc/isforinsects) and I did some
brainstorming about stop motion and webcam ideas.  But both of us got
distracted on other projects....  here's the notes and comments that we
gathered during our investigation...

I'm sure you'd get some feedback from both of us, if any similar project
started to get off the ground. :)

On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 3:10 PM, Chris Hager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hey all,
> The webcam on the XO sure has a lot of potential for cool killer apps.
> For example things with
> - Motion Tracking
> - Gesture Recognition
> - Face Recognition
> - Object Identification
> - ...
> Recently I came in touch with OpenCV
> ( -- it's a open source
> image-recognition library developed by intel, which does exactly this
> kind things. It's also a library commonly used for robotics.
> Anyone here ever played with OpenCV before? I will slowly have a deeper
> look into it during the next months, as I am taking a course in image
> recognition. Wonder if it works well and fast on the XO. Then it could
> even make sense to put effort in a kind of Python API, and examples.
> If it works fast enough, I'm sure it will be lots of fun playing with
> this library and image recognition :)
> - Chris
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