RE: Face Detection and other Vision Processing (and some sample code) were
you testing  on a machine or in an emulator?  the olpc must have some wicked
python optimizations to get that don to .25seconds how much data were you
working with?

2008/3/20 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Send Devel mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Devel digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>   1. Face Detection and other Vision Processing (and some sample
>      code) (Nirav Patel)
>   2. SoC:  Language Learning Activity (Steven Mohr)
>   3. Assorted Data on the Quality of our Networking, Presence, and
>      Read      Sharing Capabilities (Michael Stone)
>   4. New joyride build 1784 (Build Announcer v2)
>   5. python programming assist. (Aaron Konstam)
>   6. Re: Face Detection and other Vision Processing (and some
>      sample code) (karl)
>   7. New faster build 1785 (Build Announcer v2)
>   8. Re: Face Detection and other Vision Processing (and some
>      sample code) (Chris Hager)
>   9. Re: Face Detection and other Vision Processing (and some
>      sample code) (Nirav Patel)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Nirav Patel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 12:18:39 -0400
> Subject: Face Detection and other Vision Processing (and some sample code)
> I've been playing with vision processing stuff for the XO, mostly
> using OpenCV.  I have some sample code up at
> that does face
> detection surprisingly quickly.  It seems that the bottleneck isn't
> even the OpenCV Haar Cascade algorithm, but the time it takes to
> initialize the v4l2 drivers.
> The code I wrote is just basic proof of concept stuff, but there are
> some amazing possibilities involved in vision processing, like
> recognizing sign language and gestures, drawing in air, playing motion
> based games, and even identifying plants and wildlife.
> If anyone is interested, I'd like to start developing an Activity that
> uses face/object detection for something more fun or useful.  I'm new
> to Python and OLPC development, so I could use some help.
> Alternately, I am a student, so if anyone is interested in mentoring
> this as a possible Summer of Code project, that would be great.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Steven Mohr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 17:20:56 +0100
> Subject: SoC: Language Learning Activity
>  Hi,
> my name is Steven Mohr. I study computer science dual at the BA Mannheim (
> in Mannheim, Germany. This is a 1:1 combination
> of "normal" studies and working in a company. Instead of having vacation I'm
> working at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in the department for software
> and simulation technology (
> I've already have at bit experience in an open source projects. I
> participated for the DLR in an open source project called catacomb (
> I would like to work at the Language Learning Activity. I've looked at
> the Lingoteach app and it seems to be a good basic for a port to
> XO. Lingoteach has already language files and even spoken examples. I would
> like to port it to Python. There's a C library which implements access to
> the language files so what we could reuse them. So my question is: Who is
> mentoring this task that I can talk about details?
> Steven
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Michael Stone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 13:41:42 -0400
> Subject: Assorted Data on the Quality of our Networking, Presence, and
> Read Sharing Capabilities
> Friends,
> Chris Ball and I spend several hours last night measuring the behavior
> of Read sharing. The data we collected are reproduced below.
> Michael
> A Fragment of the Critical Path for Successful Read Sharing
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> This chart was created based on general knowledge of the Telepathy, Sugar
> Presence Service, Sugar python libraries, and the Read source code at
>                          *
>                          |
> XOs join the network      |
>                          |
>                          |
>                          *
>                          |
> Read is started on        |
> the "sharer"              |
>                          |
>                   /------*------\
>                  /               \
> invitations      /                 \   the "sharer" is
> are sent        |                   |  marked "public"
>                 \                 /
>                  \               /
>                   \------*------/
>                          |
> Joiners recognize the     |
> presence of the shared    |
> activity                  |
>                          *
>                          |
> Join commands are issued  |
> to Sugar                  |
>                          |
>                          *
> Read instances look for   |
> Tubes, register callbacks |
> for new Tubes             |
>                          |
>                          *
>                          |
> ...                       |
>                          |
>                          |
>                          *
>                          |
> After accepting a new     |
> tube, the joining act.    |
> issues an HTTP request    |
>                          *
>                          |
> ...                       |
>                          |
>                          |
>                    ------*-------
>                   /      |       \
> Results           /       |        \
>                 /        |         \
>                /         |          \
>            success   divergence   failure
> Experimental Setup
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> A Log of our measurements follows.
> All experiments were conducted with four B4s (MS1, MS2, MS3, MS4)
> running update.1-699 and Read-44.xo. The build log for 699 is here:
> if you need to see what software is in the build.
> Simple Mesh, Sequential Invitations
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> We created a simple mesh on Channel 11 and extended invitations to
> join a Phyla.pdf (under Library > Biology; ~2.5 MB) session from
>                    MS1 -I> (MS3, MS4).
> The invitations were received on both MS3 and MS4.
> First, we caused MS3 to accept the invitation. MS3 successfully
> displayed the shared PDF. Then we caused MS4 to accept the invitation.
> MS4 displayed the shared PDF.
> Simple Mesh, Simultaneous Invitations
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Still on Channel 11, simple mesh; we closed all open instances of Read
> and reopened Phyla.pdf on MS1. We extended invitations from
>                    MS1 -I> (MS3, MS4)
> The invitations were received on both MS3 and MS4.
> We caused MS3 and MS4 to accept their invitations simultaneously. Both
> MS3 and MS4 displayed the shared PDF after about 5-10 seconds of data
> transfer.
>  NB: Joining Read instances do not save the actual PDFs they receive to
>  the DS. There is a comment in the source code stating this fact but
>  there is no explanation of _why_ this decision was made. If you know
>  why, please let us know.
> Connecting to an AP
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Next we connected MS1, MS2, MS3, and MS4 to the channel 6 "media
> 802.11" AP.
> MS1, MS2, and MS4 all connected successfully on the first try and
> received presence updates.
> MS3's connection icon changed to indicate that it was connected to the
> AP but it received no presence information.
>  'olpc-netstatus' on MS3 reported that Salut was running but the
>  "Config" field was blank. [On the other XOs, the "Config" field read
>  "Access point".]
> After five disconnect/reconnect attempts, MS3 made a successful
> connection to the AP and presence information was exchanged.
> Making Friends
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> In order to speed up the process of issuing invitations in the future,
> we added each of MS[1,2,3,4] as a friend of each of MS[1,2,3,4]. All
> XOs saw their three friends as being available.
> Unfortunately, in the mesh views on MS1, MS2, and MS4, the MS4 mesh
> icon representing MS1 had a palette offering a "Remove friend" option.
> All the other representing icons had palettes with the "Add friend"
> option, even on the Friends View.
> Dynamics of maintaining connections
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> MS2, which had initial difficulty connecting to the AP had a network
> status display on the Home screen containing both a mesh icon and an
> AP icon. The AP icon remained steady; its status did not change.
> The mesh icon, however, (which was not present on the other XOs)
> sometimes grayed out. Hovering over the icon reported
>  "Buscando un portal malla en una escuela"
>  However, there were no unexpected differences between the output of
>  olpc-netstatus on MS1 and MS2.
> Quality of the Connection
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> We opened Phyla.pdf on MS1 and sent invitations to MS2 and MS4.
> The invitations were not received within a period of 5 minutes.
> We marked the Read instance on MS1 as publicly shared (i.e. "Share
> with my neighborhood"). This presence update was not communicated to
> MS2 or to MS4 within 5 minutes.
> We examined the forwarding table of the msh0 interface on MS1 and were
> surprised to discover that it contained entries with the MAC address
> of MS4 but not MS2.
>  NB: olpc-netlog could be profitably extended to capture all
>  available routing informatio.
> When trying to send pings from MS1 -> MS2 msh0, we received "destination
> host unreachable" errors. When trying to send pings from MS1 -> MS4
> msh0, we had 100% packet loss but no errors.
> All three laptops's msh0 interfaces had IP addresses on the same
> subnet. The routing table on MS1 contained an entry covering this
> subnet.
> Try, Try Again
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> In desperation, we restarted sugar on MS1, MS2, and MS4. According to
> the mesh status icons on the home view, all 3 XOs came up with their
> connection to the AP intact.
> All the palettes on all the machines had "Remove friend" options where
> they formerly had "Add friend" options.
> We opend Phyla.pdf on MS2 and sent invitations from
>                   MS2 -I> (MS1, MS4).
> None were received.
> Try, Try Again (2)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Next, we rebooted MS1, MS2, and MS4. After the boot sequence quiesced,
> we connected all three to the same AP as before.
>        MS1 and MS4 can see MS1, MS3, and MS4.
>        MS2 is invisible and can't see anyone.
>        olpc-netstatus reports similar results on all 3 machines.
> A Browse invitation was successfully sent from MS1 -> MS4.
> A Read invitation was successfully sent from MS1 -> MS4. It was
> accepted, but the join attempt failed. Logs were captured and have
> been attached to
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Build Announcer v2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 14:28:22 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: New joyride build 1784
> Changes in build 1784 from build: 1783
> Size delta: 0.00M
> -telepathy-salut 0.2.2-5.olpc2
> +telepathy-salut 0.2.3-1.olpc2
> --- Changes for telepathy-salut 0.2.3-1.olpc2 from 0.2.2-5.olpc2 ---
>  + Upstream release 0.2.3
>  + #6575: muc receives message but can't send anymore
> ------
> This mail was automatically generated
> See 
>  aggregate logs
> See 
>  a comparison
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Aaron Konstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 14:23:19 -0600
> Subject: python programming assist.
> Recently someone mentioned they were trying to improve their python
> programming skills.
> Attached is a python program than might help. It is called:
> create_module_list
> If create_module_list
> is executed for example like so:
> create_module_list string
> it will produce a file called:
> string_modules
> which contains a list of all the functions in together with
> the documentation of each function.
> It will not work properly on packages.
> --
> =======================================================================
> A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems. -- P.
> Erdos
> =======================================================================
> Aaron Konstam telephone: (210) 656-0355 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: karl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Nirav Patel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 22:27:54 +0100
> Subject: Re: Face Detection and other Vision Processing (and some sample
> code)
> Nirav Patel wrote:
> > I've been playing with vision processing stuff for the XO, mostly
> > using OpenCV.  I have some sample code up at
> > that does face
> > detection surprisingly quickly.  It seems that the bottleneck isn't
> > even the OpenCV Haar Cascade algorithm, but the time it takes to
> > initialize the v4l2 drivers.
> >
> > The code I wrote is just basic proof of concept stuff, but there are
> > some amazing possibilities involved in vision processing, like
> > recognizing sign language and gestures, drawing in air, playing motion
> > based games, and even identifying plants and wildlife.
> >
> > If anyone is interested, I'd like to start developing an Activity that
> > uses face/object detection for something more fun or useful.  I'm new
> > to Python and OLPC development, so I could use some help.
> > Alternately, I am a student, so if anyone is interested in mentoring
> > this as a possible Summer of Code project, that would be great.
> > _______________________________________________
> > Devel mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> I made a demo in Etoys for color tracking objects with the camera:
> Have good lighting and a distinctly  colored object.
> Pick the color from the object with the color picker and a yellow
> ellipse on screen will track relative how you move the object.
> This is just a demo , more to come later...
> Karl
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Build Announcer v2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 18:14:01 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: New faster build 1785
> Changes in build 1785 from build: 1778
> Size delta: 0.00M
> -telepathy-salut 0.2.2-5.olpc2
> +telepathy-salut 0.2.3-1.olpc2
> -Memorize 25
> +Memorize 26
> --- Changes for telepathy-salut 0.2.3-1.olpc2 from 0.2.2-5.olpc2 ---
>  + Upstream release 0.2.3
>  + #6575: muc receives message but can't send anymore
> --- Changes for Memorize 26 from 25 ---
>  + Fix sound issue when using Memorize with non-US language
> ------
> This mail was automatically generated
> See 
>  aggregate logs
> See 
>  a comparison
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Chris Hager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Nirav Patel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 23:47:54 +0100
> Subject: Re: Face Detection and other Vision Processing (and some sample
> code)
> Nirav Patel wrote:
> > I've been playing with vision processing stuff for the XO, mostly
> > using OpenCV.  I have some sample code up at
> > that does face
> > detection surprisingly quickly.  It seems that the bottleneck isn't
> > even the OpenCV Haar Cascade algorithm, but the time it takes to
> > initialize the v4l2 drivers.
> Wow - this is amazing! And especially with this speed of ~0.25 seconds
> for finding a face! How are you accessing OpenCV - via SWIG or CTypes?
> I'd suggest to create [[OpenCV]] and start linking to infos, howto's and
> examples. That will make life much easier for all who want to play
> around with image recognition on the xo in the future.
> - Chris
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Nirav Patel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Chris Hager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 19:12:54 -0400
> Subject: Re: Face Detection and other Vision Processing (and some sample
> code)
> OpenCV has a Python API that uses SWIG.  It's in the default fedoro
> repo as opencv-python.
> Good idea, I'll add it to the wiki momentarily.
> On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 6:47 PM, Chris Hager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Nirav Patel wrote:
> >  > I've been playing with vision processing stuff for the XO, mostly
> >  > using OpenCV.  I have some sample code up at
> >  > that does face
> >  > detection surprisingly quickly.  It seems that the bottleneck isn't
> >  > even the OpenCV Haar Cascade algorithm, but the time it takes to
> >  > initialize the v4l2 drivers.
> >
> >  Wow - this is amazing! And especially with this speed of ~0.25 seconds
> >  for finding a face! How are you accessing OpenCV - via SWIG or CTypes?
> >
> >  I'd suggest to create [[OpenCV]] and start linking to infos, howto's
> and
> >  examples. That will make life much easier for all who want to play
> >  around with image recognition on the xo in the future.
> >
> >  - Chris
> >
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Devel mailing list


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