On Mon, 24 Mar 2008, Michael Stone wrote:

> Folks,
> First, thanks are due to kreneskyp, sayamindu, uwog, dgilmore, rsmith,
> marco, wad, rwh, and hhardy for contributing to the state of our
> knowledge of Update.1 by updating tickets in Trac. Everyone else: get
> behind us, review these bugs, and help push out this release! See
>  http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Test_setup_for_Update.1_builds
> for rough-cut instructions on how to try out update.1-70x builds.
> Next, the good news: thus far, q2d14 functions as advertised (allowing
> us to close #5422/#6245) and I have heard good things about
> telepathy-salut-0.2.3-1 (including how wad intends to put it through the
> wringer tomorrow). I remain hopeful that the localizations in
> olpc-library-core-1-23, olpc-library-common-1-23, and the Spanish
> console keyboard will satisfy our Spanish-speaking clients.
> Spanish-speakers: please test these facts, report back to us, and update
> #6685 and #5841!
> Then, the bad news: in a fascinating conversation with the support-gang
> (yay, support-gang!), it was made plain to me that recent Update.1
> builds have received little or no testing by folks who aren't building
> them. In light of this datum, we should consider the question: "who do
> we want to persuade to try out U.1 and what support do they need from
> us?"

the removal of the activities is still being sorted out. currently there 
is no straightforward way for a tester who previously could just do an 
olpc-upgrade to test the recent builds that have the activities removed.

there are several scripts being developed to manage the activities, but no 
clear direction (or directions) in this area, just lots of people who seem 
to be working independantly.

David Lang
Devel mailing list

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