On Wed, 2008-04-02 at 13:27 -0400, C. Scott Ananian wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 12:39 AM, Albert Cahalan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Eben Eliason writes:
> >  > 1. Toolbar buttons use icons instead of text as an identifier.  Beyond
> Just to throw another dog into this fight, I've recently been very
> concerned with making legacy applications "work as well as possible"
> in the sugar environment.  They will likely always be second-class
> citizens, as they weren't originally designed for kids, may be overly
> complex, etc, but it's clear that the limited developer resources at
> OLPC don't have time to (for example) develop a full-fledged
> kid-friendly video- and sound-editing application, yet that's the next
> thing that kids want to do when given Record.  There are some very
> nice programs out there in linux land, we'd like to make using them
> reasonably *possible*.  Eventually, of course, we'd like to see a (for
> example) inkscape port which emphasized UI simplicity,
> kid-friendliness, and the rest of the Sugar guidelines, but at the
> moment we're stuck using inkscape as is.

As the parent of a 13 and 10 year old, I know that they both want things
beyond what we can currently give them with Sugarized applications....

> Could someone with some experience with GTK/Gnome themes comment
> briefly on how reasonable it would be to create a theme to make legacy
> applications look as much as possible like our "old" sugar and "new"
> sugar proposal?

Heh...  Our theme is just a GTK theme....  Lots of things just work.

This isn't rocket science...  We can make it so, if we decide to....
                                  - Jim

Jim Gettys
One Laptop Per Child

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