Removing icons from the activity ring is just a matter of 
"unstarring" them in the list view - simple enough to do each 
semester.  My vote is Option 1.

A much more interesting question is the __order__ in which to show 
the Activities:

List view:
Since there appears to be an intent to make the list searchable, 
there might be no need for alphabetization.

What I think useful is to distinguish "newly arrived" Activities. 
My suggestion - as an Activity is "installed for the first time" 
(not "replaced"), insert its entry at the TOP of the list view.

The 1825 list view appears "all mixed up".  Being a control freak, 
I would like to organize it myself.  An ability to drag-n-drop the 
entries within the list would be handy.

Ring view:
One question - should it be easy for BB to sit down at AA's laptop? 
[This implies that 'Chat' (for example) should be at two o'clock on 
everyone's XO.]  My opinion is to let every user put 'Chat' wherever 
he wants.

But do let the user be able to control the order in which the icons 
are presented (this is an artifact now provided by the 650 file 


p.s.  The "drop-down menu" from an icon can obscure the adjacent 
icon (should the user merely want to view the label of the current 
icon).  Let me suggest positioning such a menu outside the circle.

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