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The important changes since the last version are:
 * a new foreword, with a rich analogy describing our present situation,

 * a new (tentative) commentary/criticism of our release process to

 * a coherent definition of what we want when we talk about software
   "stability", "reliability", and "predictability" that can be used to
   judge many proposed changes, and 

 * a strong suggestion that we apply Greg's algorithm [1] to the problem
   of figuring out which changes to work on in what order.
  [1]: http://tinyurl.com/3jfwah

Finally, I'd like to inform everyone that as I work from the bottom up
toward an acceptable plan, Kim is working from the top down to meet us
by interviewing the other functional directors in order to keep us
informed of their desires. She and I are meeting regular in order to
harmonize the results of our interviews and we look forward to having a
rough draft that can be presented to those directors sometime next week.



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