On Fri, 25 Apr 2008, Daly Ikbel wrote:

> I try to copy a repositery of 258Mb.

How did you try to copy it?  Can you explain the exact steps you took? 
What do you mena repositery?  (But see below - answer this on the 
community-support email list.)

> I get an error of lack of space.
> while rebooting I get this message:
> "OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device "
> and the XO freeze.

What software build are you using?  If you are running the latest, it 
sounds like you should file this as a bug in Trac.

But either way - you should be able to drop to a terminal by doing 
Ctrl-Alt-F1 and logging in on the text terminal you will see there.  You 
should be able to delete the large file and then the regular Sugar 
software should work properly.

The http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/community-support list is more 
germane for your question, so if I were you I would try the suggestion I 
gave.  If it's not clear enough, or it doesn't work, you should join that 
list and ask your question again there.  You can put me in the CC: 
line so I see that conversation.

Best of luck!

-- Asheesh.

Any fool can paint a picture, but it takes a wise person to be able to sell it.
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