> We are a group of 15 collegians, studying 'Applied Computer Science' 
> at the University of Applied Sciences in Iserlohn (Germany) and we 
> are looking for a project for the OLPC within the scope of our subject 
> "Computer-Networks". Our professor (Prof. Martin Hühne) let us choose 
> our own topic, leading us directly to our first problem: What can 
> we do?

  Are some of you interested in a help system?  Depending on the
context (i.e., what the user is doing), the help system would access
the locally stored help content, or go online and fetch relevant help
and show it.  Could be coupled with keyword search.  Some members can
write the retrival mechanism, some others can write the search engine,
some others can create contents, etc.

  Just a thought,

-- Yoshiki

  To the following, many would oppose, but how about putting a little
friendly character on screen so that the user can ask some questions?
We toyed with the idea to have two characters that also talk to each
other so that the user is not so intimidated.  In different
incarnation, camera and microphone can be used to determine how much
the user is concentrate on the screen, etc. and give different
advice.  (Well, making a good one along this line would be much more
than 3 months work anyway, so don't worry about it, but there may be
something along this line.)
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