On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 8:27 AM, Walter Bender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'll be getting my hands on a one2onemate next week. I'll report back
>  what I learn, but I wouldn't condemn it sight unseen. At the very
>  least, it is Linux based, suggesting that ideas for improvement can be
>  realized.

To be clear, I have mixed feelings about it.
The software looks easier and more efficient to use.
I'm quite sure that the device will crush an OLPC XO
in purchasing decisions. At least it runs Linux.

What horrifies me is WHY this device will win.
Despite the existance of a laptop bag, it really
is not designed to go home with students. The
thing is banana-shaped. This device is designed
for in-school abuse. One look at the cart should
explain everything: students get the device for an
hour, and then it is taken away. That's perfect for
a budget. Purchasing hardware for the school is
something everybody understands; purchasing it
for the kids (child ownership) is totally alien.
The device is a spyware-special too, making it
easy to snoop on the students.

It would take a real effort by OLPC to stop this
rotten concept, but I don't see that happening.
OLPC coldly and habitually ignores the USA.
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