> Specifically, check out Feel free to look at the latest at
> wiki.laptop.org/go/Designs/Frame for details on the changes which will
> imbue the Frame with much more utility.  We still need to address the
> usability concerns, naturally, ...

See dev.laptop.org/ticket/4910 for a critique of the usability of how
available controls were placed in the old Frame, Activity bar, and "my
program name" bar.

I hope that as you move things in and out of the Frame, you'll also adjust
the designs of the other control bars (that the Frame often obscures).

I've often wanted the close-box to be in the Frame itself, so that there's
a short and totally deterministic way to tell someone how to exit the
current application.

Finally, eBook mode should be seriously considered in the redesign, so that
most of the controls are readily available from the ten available buttons.
(Rather than having the controls in eBook mode be non-WSYWIG).

http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/1310 talks about that.  Don Hopkins had
some great ideas and prototypes, too.


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