On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 2:17 AM, Gary C Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Now don't get me wrong, there are _huge_ UI feedback details*** to get
> right for a 100% touch keyboard, and it worries me that the current
> (and cute) Xo HW has so far such a poor and neglected trackpad, often
> close to unusable by a patient adult (makes me wonder if 1cc staff all
> use external mice on the Xo), and a tablet mode that runs only with
> kindly 3rd party test code that requires pressing like you're trying
> to cut a ceramic tile.
> ***Immediate visual and low frequency sound feedback (from the touch
> surface) would be a real good start, and BTW power saving is going to
> get even tougher... Also physical registration dimples for those that
> need them would be a very good plan for the HW mould, even if they are
> just bumps for the F and J positions. And I hope there is a cheap/safe
> solution to the scratch issue, iPhones and iPod Touches use glass
> (opinion).

Nokia are working on some interesting tactile feedback stuff for touch screens:

"Nokia's haptic feedback touchscreen doesn't just give you
pseudo-feedback vibrations and clicks (Samsung F700, we're looking at
you), the Haptikos system actually provides a physical "clunk" and
audible "click" directly under the depressed key. Combined with 0.1mm
of screen-travel, the Haptikos system delivers a real-keyboard
touchscreen experience."

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