Bert Freudenberg wrote:
> But seriously, the new design needs to be anticipated by the developer  
> community, development from now on should take into account the future  
> hardware directions. So I for one hope that developers will be  
> informed of anticipated hardware changes as early as possible. And  
> hopefully even early enough to give feedback.

Then the announcement should be:

1. Primarily to developers, in a much less pompous form, and without 

2. Be in the form of "Next device within two years timeframe will likely 
have a large, possibly dual, multitouch touchscreen and a keyboard may 
be implemented in the same way (with or without touchscreen underneath, 
and with or without key mechanism on top)".

That would clearly communicate the tasks (touchscreen-friendliness of 
UI, inclusion of latest development in input technology), avoid 
miscommunicating commitment to all details of a particular announced CG 
drawing (dual screen? lack of keyboard? no camera? particular size? 
those are likely to change before the final product), and show 
commitment to using pieces of existing technology.

I am surprised how things that can be done in a clear, productive and 
inoffensive way end up being showcases of miscommunication, cause all 
kinds of hurt feelings, and actual information has to be derived through 
over-analysis and guesswork.

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