On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 9:20 PM, reynt0 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I also want to be able to examine the XO as thoroughly as
> possible from my own (USA, educated, experienced, and so
> on) perspective.  In that regard, FWIW I found the various
> infos I later could find from olpc a bit unclear or even
> seeming at first glance inconsistent about how usable a
> G1G1 XO could be as-delivered.  My present understanding
> is that I will need a developer's key, and that I can get
> one by asking when I'm ready to (though I'm not sure if
> I would be able to if I were a non-compsci G1G1), tho I
> am willing to accept that this understanding may be wrong.


I would like to see the link for requesting a developer key made much
more prominent in the library.  (I've cc'ed SJ specifically to see if
he can make that happen for me.)

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