Hi there,

<quote who="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">

> Our grassroot at OLPC France made a small "deployment" lately in a school
> (so far with one XO, no more) and we would like to monitor the activity of
> the users (activities, connections, load, etc.) as per day, week, etc.

We have a similar problem in OLPC Australia, and we are planning on using
the backup function of the server to monitor the journals. This way you'll
get an overview of all the users activity. We were planning on either
finding existing efforts or writing some sort of monitoring of the journals
so teachers can keep an eye on the student activities. It turns out it will
also be really useful for monitoring which applications are most popular,
how they are used, etc, etc.

> OLPC France may contribute to such an activity if there is sufficient
> interest among the other developers.

It'll be good to see if others respond, but regardless OLPC Australia would
also like to help with this project.


OLPC Australia                                           http://olpc.org.au/
Linux Australia                                         http://linux.org.au/
Open Source Industry Australia                           http://osia.net.au/
Software Freedom Day                          http://softwarefreedomday.org/
   "He who loves the world as his body may be entrusted with the empire."
                                 - Lao-tzu
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