Jordan Crouse wrote:

>> Looks good.  I was hoping for a lid-switch attribute as well -- Richard
>> and Jordan, does that route through the Southbridge, or should it be
>> listed here?  (If it should be, where in the SCI mask is it?)
> Yes, the lid goes through the southbridge.  FYI - the lid is already
> being added as a platform device, and we register ourselves as 

If the southbridge lid issues turn out to be something we can't fix in 
software then we have the option of hooking the lid up to the EC but 
thats going to be a flag day level change for both hardware and software.

>> Similarly, I'm guessing there's no way for the EC to inhibit power
>> button press wakeups?
> It is technically possible, since the signal is routed through the EC,
> but I don't know if such a thing has been implemented (or even if such
> a thing is desireable).

> The power button wakeup can be controlled at the southbridge level, but
> though that might also not be desirable since the EC will already have
> started a wakeup process when it sees the signal.  I know not what would
> happen if the processor didn't wake up when the EC did.

The EC already inhibits power button presses in certain situations but 
I"m fuzzy on the details.  It was a while ago.

During the 1835[ab] saga I did a few things like this but they ended up 
causing regressions so I backed them out.

Richard Smith  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
One Laptop Per Child
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