Well, actually, the mango suggestion was made originally as a tree, not a
fruit - as the tree Freire learned to read underneath. Obviously the concept
of "learning under a tree" exists in many cultures around the world, and
there are several trees that would work for this:

apple (newton),
* (buddha), juniper (navajo), buttonwood (wall street), "blossoming pear"
(african-american - from "their eyes were watching god"), mulberry
(china/silk), baobab, thorn tree <http://www.thorntreeproject.org/>....

I definitely sympathize with the "general fruit" and "alphabetical is nice"
threads here. Verbs are good too. And the above list, even if we managed to
triple it, would still be a little too thin to make such wordplay easy. But
even if we decide against a list like the above, I would still advocate for
starting with mango, and then going alphabetical later (as Ubuntu did). The
Freire story is a good one, and mango is such a fun word to say.
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