On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 2:54 PM, Korakurider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Sayamindu.
> On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 4:37 PM, Sayamindu Dasgupta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello Korakurider,
>> Thanks for your input. I have put up a basic document at
>> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Localization/Workflow Comments and brickbats
>> are welcome :-).
>  Thank you, this is handy and very useful as a base of further discussion !
>  My comments follow:
>  a) Could you show the exact schedule for jobs  on Wiki or some page
> on Pootle server?
>  Without that knowledge, I have been checking everyday when POT is
> merged to PO actually after every time I notice update to the POT on
> etoys-notify list.

For Etoys I suggest you ping me (IRC/Mail/GTalk) when a POT file
update happens.

>    **  It would make our life easier if timestamp and participant for
> the last interesting events ( at least, and history hopefully) are
> shown on Pootle screen. (that make it like "real portal" :-)
>          + POT generation
>          + merge POT to POs
>          + change to translations/fuzzy flags of each POs
>          + change to suggestion for each POs
>          + the latest commit of each POs to repo
>          + upload/merge (if it really works :-)
>     At this time the person who did them only knows what have been
> done actually, that make team work difficult.

Hmm - I suggest filing a bug on the Pootle bugzilla and keep me CC-ed
on this. There has been some interesting work going on around Pootle
(the excellent SoC work being done by Julen, the student I am
mentoring, the work being done by Mozilla (Mozilla might switch to
Pootle soon), etc)

>  b) As asked in another thread; from this picture I can't see where
> the POT included in XO bundle came from.
>      and which is the master of POT that is being linked from wiki
> page for each activities.

Yeah - I have been thinking of pointing to the src repo in the Pootle
config file in some way (my aim is different though - I want to allow
users to explore the relevant section of the source code from Pootle

>  c) We have seen too many incidents that translator tried to
> upload/merge POs (especially etoys. po :-<) by himself with Pootle
> interface and Pootle went down.  Do you really want to support the
> functionality right now? (though it might work for POs other than
> etoys.po)

Hmm good idea. I'll need to figure out how this is to be done in a
Etoys specific way though.


Sayamindu Dasgupta
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